Emergency Pet Bleeding and First Aid Treatment

Symptoms and Signs

Bleeding is a sure sign of a potential emergency in pets, especially when there is great blood loss or the injury refuses to stop bleeding. While minor cuts or scratches can at times be treated at home, serious injuries involving heavy bleeding must be attended to by a veterinary immediately. Several causes of bleeding in pets are accidents, fights with other animals, and health conditions such as disorders of blood clotting.

Location of pet bleedingĀ 

It is very important to identify the location and severity of bleeding. The most obvious external bleeding of visible wounds is usually the easiest to spot. However, internal bleeding-in which blood leaks from vessels into cavities in the body due to trauma, poisoning, or disease-is far more difficult to detect. Pale gums, lethargy, difficulty breathing, or a bloated abdomen may be indicative of internal bleeding. Internal bleeding is most dangerous because it can lead rapidly to shock or organ failure if an animal does not get medical treatment quickly.

First aid for pet bleeding before veterinary service

First aid enables one to act appropriately with the bleeding until one reaches the vet. In cases of external cuts, gentle pressure with a clean linen or gauze slows down the blood flow. In those instances where the bleeding does not stop within minutes, one is expected to immediately consult an emergency vet. Home remedies are to be avoided as many of the concoctions have the potential to make the situation worse and/or will interfere with the effectiveness of professional treatment.

Depending upon the type and origin of the bleed, treatment at a veterinary clinic may involve the following: Stitching or surgical repair in the case of external injuries; medication, for example antibiotics, to prevent infection. Surgery or intensive care can be required with internal bleeding. Your veterinarian may run blood tests to identify clotting disorders or other medical issues contributing to the bleeding. Acting quickly in the case of a bleeding pet could save its life by assuring proper treatment with the best possible outcome.

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